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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Using a Project Management Methodology

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Are you involved with projects?
If you are, then consider using a project methodology. It gives you a roadmap for delivering your project, saves you time and improves the quality of your work. So read, on to find out more about...
Using a Project Management Methodology
What is a Methodology?
A methodology is basically "a set of methods or steps that you use to deliver projects". The key point is that you repeat the same steps for every project you undertake, and by doing that you gain efficiencies in your work.
What will it do?
When you use a project methodology it gives you:
  1. A defined set of steps to follow for delivering projects.
  2. A set of templates to help you do things quickly.
  3. A suite of case studies to help you learn.
  4. The ability to customize the methodology provided.
  5. The option to import your existing methodology into it.
What will it not do?
A Methodology is not a silver bullet. It will not fix your projects by itself. And it's fair to say that no methodology "out-of-the-box" will be 100% applicable to every type of project. So you need to customize your methodology to ensure it fits your project environment.
Why use a Methodology?
A methodology will help you by giving you a clear roadmap for achieving project success.
It will tell you and your team what has to be done, how it should be done and by when, to deliver your project on time.
Using a methodology you can:
  • Startup and plan projects
  • Monitor time, cost and quality
  • Control change and scope
  • Minimize risks and issues
  • Manage staff and suppliers
You can choose to use the elements of the methodology that are most suitable to each project you undertake. For instance, when managing smaller projects, you can use simple lightweight steps to deliver your project. And when managing large projects, you can use more heavyweight steps to monitor and control every element of your project.
By following the same generic steps for every project you undertake, you'll become more efficient, work smarter and reduce stress. You will also have a clear roadmap ahead, giving you the confidence you need to succeed.

-Uday Mahajan

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